Wells Beach is one of many beaches along this section of coast. Because of a barrier of low islets just offshore, it is better than average for sea ducks. In winter, all three scoters may be present and purple sandpipers may be roosting on the islands. Sanderlings can be on the beach at any time of year. Other shorebirds are likely from August through October. Moody Beach and upper Ogunquit Beach, reached from the parking lot at the south end of Ocean Ave, can be good from late fall to spring and provides views of upper Ogunquit River marsh. There are several productive pullouts driving south from Mile Road and around Moody Point.
Directions: from Route 1 there are three access roads leading east to the beach. The best for birding is Mile Road, which leads 0.9 miles directly east to a small town parking lot. Scan the beach and islands from here. Just before the lot, look for Webhannet Road going south where limited roadside parking may be found in one mile. Look for Atlantic Avenue going north where a large town lot provides parking and beach access for residents. (See Wells Harbor.)
Wells Beach
Wells, ME 04090
GPS: 43.30279, -70.56719