Sprague Pond Preserve is a 114 acre property of the Phippsburg Land Trust. The trail passes a beaver pond near the trailhead, crosses a planked boardwalk by the dam, extends less than half a mile through hardwood forest, and then skirts the length of a larger pond just beyond. The wetland of the first pond has plenty of Common Yellowthroats and Yellow Warblers. Swamp and Song Sparrows are numerous. Both Alder and Willow Flycatchers may be present; they can only be separated in the field by voice.
From the first pond, the trail ascends through hardwoods that contain Ovenbirds and Hermit Thrushes, plus Black-throated Green, Black-and-White, and Yellow-rumped Warblers. Sprague Pond is a cold, spring-fed pond stocked with trout, and it draws a good number of Great Blue Herons and Ospreys. The trail hugs the pond on the west side but it does not loop, necessitating a return by the same path.
Directions: The trail begins at the small parking lot on the west side of Route 209, 1.9 miles south of the Phippsburg Town Hall.
GPS: 43.783306, -69.829839