Sears Island is one of the largest undeveloped islands on the Maine coast. The site is popular for strolling and dog-walking, but that generally does not interfere with birding. Just north of Searsport, turn east onto Sears Island Road. Check for gulls along the causeway, particularly Bonaparte’s Gull from late summer through October. Common Loons, Eiders, and Goldeneyes are regular in the off-season. Scoters, Red-breasted Mergansers, Buffleheads, Horned Grebes, and Black Guillemots are present in winter. Mallards and American Black Ducks are prevalent in the sheltered, shallow areas. Check for shorebirds from mid August through September.
A paved road runs up the spine of the island, but there are also several hiking paths that are the remnants of the old farm roads that once crisscrossed the island. There are no longer any buildings on the island, but stonewalls and old apple trees give clues to its agricultural heritage. Low brush near the gate soon gives way to mixed hardwood, spruce, and white pine. Expect a variety of warblers and sparrows, plus Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglets. The site is a well-known migrant trap during spring migration. Birds congregate near the entrance at dawn, intending to cross to the mainland after daybreak.
Directions: From Route 1, turn onto Sears Island Road 2 miles north of Searsport. Follow a short distance to the gate.
Sears Island Rd
Searsport, ME 04974
GPS: 44.453009, -68.880896