Roque Bluffs State Park is one of those hidden gems along the Maine coast. The beach is among the most secluded in the state, screened from the road by a dense wall of beach roses. On the other side of the road, two picnic grounds abut a freshwater pond.
From the beach, scan the ocean. This bay is protected from strong breezes by nearby islands. Sea ducks enjoy the sheltered tranquility. Several offshore ledges also provide safe havens for roosting gulls and waterfowl, giving the birds good views of approaching eagles, which often happens. The beach is seldom crowded with people, giving ample room for shorebirds later in summer, particularly sanderlings, least sandpipers, and semipalmated plovers.
When not frozen, the pond is in constant use by gulls, bathing in its freshwater. It's common to have five species flocked together later in summer: great black-backed, herring, ring-billed, laughing, and Bonaparte's. Watch for great blue herons and American black ducks foraging along the far edge. In early summer, yellow warblers are abundant among the rose bushes. Expect song sparrows, and watch for swamp sparrows. Common ravens fly overhead regularly.
Directions: From US-1 in Jonesboro, watch for the sign to the park, and turn onto Old Rte 1. Follow 4.7 miles to a T intersection at Great Cove Road. Turn right, and proceed 1.4 miles to the park.
18 Schoppee Point Rd
Roque Bluffs, ME 04654
GPS: 44.611123, -67.485409