Merryspring Nature Center straddles the Rockport/Camden line and is prone to good warbler fallouts in May. For the rest of the summer, it is a pleasant stroll over 66 acres. The gardens around the gazebo are attractive to hummingbirds and photographers. Walking trails wind through mixed forest and fields. Song, Chipping, and White-throated Sparrows work the margins of the fields, as do Common Yellowthroats, American Redstarts, Chestnut-sided, Yellow, Nashville, and Magnolia Warblers. Pine Warblers are present in the thick stands of pine. A Tufted Titmouse is possible around the parking lot. The Kitty Todd Arboretum in the back of the park shelters Ovenbirds and American Woodcocks. Dog-walking is very popular on the footpaths and they are allowed off leash in the North Meadow. Birders should be prepared for canine encounters. Maps and brochures are available at the Nature Center office.
Directions: From Route 1 on the southern edge of Camden, turn west onto Conway Road (next to a Subway sandwich shop). It is 0.3 miles to the park.
Conway Rd
Camden, ME 04843
GPS: 44.2010957,-69.0821171