The Little Moose Unit of Maine Public Reserved Land contains several hiking trails, campsites, and the trailhead for Big Moose Mountain. This peak rises 3200 feet into the Bicknells’ thrush zone, and a few have traditionally nested near the summit. The Bicknell’s thrush is vocal primarily at dawn and dusk. It is handy to be familiar with its call notes, sounding like WEER. Due to its preference for alpine habitat, Bicknell’s thrush is a late migrant, usually arriving after Memorial Day weekend. The mountain ascent is relatively short, and often strenuous, through excellent birding habitat, transitioning from the scarlet tanagers of the lower elevation hardwoods, through zones of balsam fir and spruce over the 90-minute climb. Blackpolls, bay-breasted warblers, yellow-bellied flycatchers, boreal chickadees, and spruce grouse are found near the summit. The road through the Little Moose Unit is good for ruffed grouse, and Philadelphia vireos have been noted near the Big Moose Mountain trailhead.
Directions: On Route 15, the North Road turns west 3.5 miles north of Greenville Junction. The trailhead for Big Moose is 1.3 miles from the intersection.
Big Moose Mountain Trail
Greenville Junction, ME 04442
GPS: 45.478366, -69.714479