Leonard’s Mills is a restored logging mill and pioneer settlement. The mile-long access road runs through a portion of the Penobscot Experimental Forest. It is a predictable warbler environment in May and June, with a variety of habitats over a conveniently short trek. The road begins with secondary growth, good for chestnut-sided warblers and American redstarts. Just ahead, beyond the forestry offices, the taller secondary growth supports several warbler species, including blackburnian and black-throated green warblers, and plenty of ovenbirds.
Upon reaching the open power lines, note active osprey nests on the towers. Wet areas contain swamp sparrows and American bitterns. Just beyond the power lines, as the road makes a transition to more mature forest, Nashville warblers and veeries have been prevalent. The mature pines support a good number of black-throated blue, blackburnian, and pine warblers, as well as northern parula and eastern wood-pewee.
The museum complex is interesting, and there is a nature trail on the far side of the grounds. There is a gated road beyond the parking lot that leads toward Chemo Pond. Local traffic is restricted and sparse, and there are more opportunities to search for thrushes and wood warblers, if time permits.
Directions: Located on Route 178 in Bradley, halfway between Brewer and Milford. Watch for the sign. Park at either end of the access road. There is room for several vehicles at the beginning of the road, and a large parking area at the end.
Bradley, ME
GPS: 44.834996, -68.598762