Hirundo Wildlife Refuge is located nearly 30 miles north of downtown Bangor. It is a private wildlife refuge on Route 43 between Old Town and Hudson, owned by the University of Maine, and managed by a trust. There are over 2,500 acres that contain mixed stands of hardwoods and conifers. Deciduous tree-loving warblers are common here, as are eastern wood-pewees and least flycatchers. Two streams and a pond attract waterfowl, American bitterns, great blue herons and swamp sparrows. Gated roads provide access to the refuge. Visitors should register at Gate 3, where maps and directions are available at the house.
Pushaw Stream and Dead Stream meet in Hirundo and provide one of the area’s best river paddles. Both flow slowly through river bottomland accented with nest boxes for wood ducks and hooded mergansers. American bitterns are common in the rushes. Warbling vireos, northern waterthrushes, and a host of warblers sing through much of May and June.
Directions: From I-95 north of Old Town, take Exit 197 onto Route 43 toward Hudson. Follow five miles northwest to Hirundo.
Alton, ME 04468
GPS: 44.986838, -68.783684