Hamilton Cove Preserve lies just a mile and a half north of Boot Head. Trails through its 1,225 acres stretch for 3 miles, encircling a major portion of the cove. Unlike Boot Head, this trail winds through early succession habitat consisting mostly of alders and small stands of spruce. It’s good for open area warblers such as chestnut-sided, Wilson’s, common yellowthroat, and American redstart. A small stream runs through this property, creating more marsh and fen wetland, so there are better chances for American bitterns, American black ducks, American woodcocks, and assorted flycatchers. Alder flycatchers are prevalent. Gray catbirds work the shrub margins and hermit thrushes work the woodland margins. All three accipiter hawks have turned up on this small preserve and both merlin and northern harrier breed here. Common eiders are normally found in the cove year-round, and red-breasted mergansers move in for the winter.
From the parking lot, the quick walk to the beach is productive. However, many of the warblers will be encountered during a short walk northward along the road to a bridge. Note that the drive toward Lubec passes several stands of dead snags, which provide frequent roosts for eagles, hawks, ravens, and crows.
Directions: On Boot Cove Road, the parking lot is 3.5 miles from the Route 191 intersection, and 1.5 miles from Boot Head Preserve. It is 2 miles from South Lubec Road near West Quoddy Head.
Boot Cove Road
Lubec, ME 04652
GPS: 44.788931, -67.012718