Gray Meadow is a wetland bisected by an old trolley line. This creates a walking path directly though a sedge marsh - which would never be permitted today. It provides a unique opportunity for birders. The first few hundred yards are through a forested woodland of tangled growth and hemlocks. Blackburnian and Black-throated Blue Warblers are found within this stretch. As the path enters the meadow, secondary growth attracts many warblers. American redstarts, and common yellowthroats, as well as chestnut-sided and yellow warblers are abundant throughout the meadow. Alder and willow flycatchers co-exist here. In the middle of the meadow, sora and Virginia rails call, marsh wrens chatter, and great blue herons hunt silently. When the path reenters the woods on the far side of the meadow, northern parula and black-throated green warblers are common. Be aware, the line is also used by all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles.
Directions: Gray is located at Exit 63 on the Maine Turnpike. From the center of Gray, go south on Route 100 for 1.8 miles. Turn left on Long Hill Road. The trail is only 0.1 miles ahead, but it is not well-marked and there is limited parking by the side of the road. The trail continues on both sides of the road, but the meadow is along the trail to the left.
4 Long Hill Rd
Gray, ME 04039
GPS: 43.860705, -70.320568