Fuller Farm, owned and managed by the Scarborough Land Conservation Trust, is just 25 minutes and 14 miles from downtown Portland. It is a conserved 220-acre tract with 3100 feet of frontage on the Nonesuch River, the 23-mile stream that empties into Scarborough Marsh. The parcel retains about 70 acres of grassland and hay fields, ideal for savannah sparrows, bobolinks, and eastern meadowlarks. The rest is mixed forest with enough early succession of alders and bushes to attract songbird variety. At least 21 species of warbler and 13 sparrows have been documented. Eastern towhees, indigo buntings, and both black-billed cuckoos and yellow-billed cuckoos work the edges between field and woods. American kestrels are breeders and many other raptors are regularly seen in migration. Moose, deer, fox, coyote, and beaver may also grab attention.
Directions: From Exit 42 off the Maine Turnpike (I-95): at the first light, go left onto Payne Road, and left at the next light onto Holmes Road. Continue to the second intersection marked by a blinking light and turn right on Broadturn Road. Go approximately 1 mile to the farm’s parking area on the right. There are no buildings and the parking area is small and easily overlooked. Look for the kiosk in the parking area next to a large field. From Scarborough Marsh, Broadturn Road is directly across from Pine Point Road (Route 9) at Dunstan Corner. Fuller Farm is 4.1 miles northwest of Route 1.
299-309 Broadturn Rd
Scarborough, ME 04074
GPS: 43.605045, -70.450661