The Forest Legacy Trail is another property of the Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust. This trail leads downward toward Cupsuptic Lake along a jeep path. It passes through mostly open hardwood and woodcut edges, so even though the variety of songbirds is not as prolific as other properties, the birds are often easier to see. Black-throated blue warblers are especially common. Other warblers include common yellowthroat, American redstart, magnolia, Nashville, chestnut-sided, black-throated green, black-and-white, and ovenbird. In a couple of places, Canada warblers can be heard from damp tangles only a few yards into the woods. Hermit thrushes are most common but Swainson’s thrushes can also be heard from damper conifer stands down the hill. The mixed habitat is particularly good for ruffed grouse, and all of the common woodpeckers are present.
Directions: Follow Route 16 from Oquossoc through Cupsuptic. Trail is on the east side of Route 16 at 10.1 miles from the Route 4 and 16 intersection in Oquossoc.