Eastern Promenade is at the northeast end of Portland, extending into Casco Bay. There is a wide boulevard that sweeps the length of the bluff overlooking the bay. The panoramic, street-level views from Eastern Promenade are splendid, but the multi-use path that runs along the water is what attracts birders. Find Cutter Street at the eastern end of Eastern Promenade where the boulevard rounds to the south. There is a public boat landing and small parking lot at the bottom that provides a much closer look at the bay. A good scan should turn up many of the common sea ducks, a variety of gulls, and perhaps a bald eagle. Walk the path toward the bridges, staying alert for uncommon waterfowl and gulls. Song sparrows overwinter in the brush along this path and other specialties such as orange-crowned warbler sometimes turn up, especially in late autumn.
Directions: Washington Ave. intersects Eastern Promenade at its westernmost point. Follow around to Cutter Street and descend to the parking and boat launch area.
Cutter St
Portland, ME 04101
GPS: 43.670205, -70.241575