Cobscook Bay State Park is notable for its boat ramp and its camping area, both of which are seldom crowded. Campsites are loosely spaced in both forested and shrub habitat, so it’s possible to find a variety of warblers without leaving the picnic table: American redstart, magnolia, blackburnian, black-throated green, chestnut-sided, and black-and-white. Bald eagles and merlins nest in the park.
There are two short trails. The Nature Trail is a two-mile round trip following a blazed loop through alternating stands of hard and softwood. Much of the trail parallels Burnt Cove and boardwalk sections provide water views. The Shore Trail is only a 3/4 mile round trip that winds through the woods and campsites to the boat ramp. The park is mostly sheltered from the open bay, so ducks and herons seek the relative calm of the cove.
As an added bonus, the Edmunds Division of Moosehorn NWR is on contiguous territory on the opposite side of Route 1.
Directions: Follow Route 1 north to Edmunds. Signs for the park are clearly posted. The park entrance is a short distance down the South Edmunds Road.
GPS: 44.841858, -67.150347