Capisic Pond is Portland’s largest freshwater pond. The 18-acre park that contains it borders on the Fore River, and it is this combination of river, pond, and green space that is apparently so attractive to waterfowl, wading birds, warblers, and orioles. Orchard orioles and warbling vireos are uncommon breeders in the uplands. Wilson’s snipe, sora, and Virginia rails breed in the cattails. It’s a good place to look for migrating sparrows in spring and fall, and for fruit-loving birds in winter. It doesn’t take long to bird this park, and it is often done in combination with Evergreen Cemetery, which is only five minutes away.
Directions: From I-295 in Portland, exit west onto Congress Street at exit 5 (5a from the south, 5b from the north). Follow Congress Street for less than half a mile, then turn right onto Stevens Avenue, which is Route 9 East. In 0.2 miles, turn left at the light onto Frost/Capisic Street. In a moment Frost Street splits left. Follow Capisic straight ahead, looking for Macy Street on the right. A small parking lot is available in front of the Capisic Pond Park sign. From Evergreen Cemetery, turn right onto Stevens Avenue and follow 1.2 miles to the right turn onto Frost/Capisic Street. Follow as above.
Macy St.
Portland, ME 04102
GPS: 43.66543, -70.30658