The Midcoast Conservancy has made great strides in protecting an undeveloped section of Waldo County in Montville. Of these tracts, the 2.5 mile Bog Brook Trail loop is the best known. The forest is a mix of maple, oak, birch, pine, spruce, and balsam fir. Expect balanced numbers of Red-eyed and Blue-headed Vireos, and Black-throated Blue and Green Warblers. A good morning should produce Blackburnian, Chestnut-sided, Nashville, Yellow-rumped, Yellow, Magnolia and Canada Warblers, as well as Northern Parula, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Ovenbird, and Northern Waterthrush. Ruby-crowned Kinglets are summer residents; Golden-crowned Kinglets occur year-round. Eight species of flycatcher have been seen here, including Olive-sided, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Alder, and Willow.
Directions: From the Hall-Dale Road, the main trail enters the woods just before a pond, located a half mile west of the intersection with Route 220 (South Mountain Valley Road.) Park on the shoulder. The trail loops around the pond and a more distant marsh, returning to Hall-Dale Road a quarter-mile west of the entrance.
Halldale Rd
Montville, ME 04941
GPS: 44.452179, -69.312058