Butler Head Preserve extends into Merrymeeting Bay. As winter changes to spring, Common Goldeneyes and Common Mergansers are joined by Ring-necked Ducks. The diverse habitat features taller stands of white pine, red maple, beech, red oak, two species of aspen, and four species of birch. Black cherry, balsam fir, white oak, and witch hazel are characteristic of the emerging understory. Marsh, field, and shore land make up the remainder. Wild rice proliferates on the southern edge of the preserve and in Butler Cove, which attracts waterfowl. Rare divers have included Canvasbacks and Redheads. The transitions between the taller trees, shrubs, and marsh provide habitat for Common Yellowthroats, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Blackburnian, Black-and-White, and Black-throated Green Warblers. Song, Swamp, and White-throated Sparrows are often encountered. Sandpipers have included Semipalmated, Least, Spotted, Pectoral, and Solitary, as well as Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs.
Directions: From High Street in Bath, proceed west on Whiskeag Road 1.1 miles. Turn right onto North Bath Road and go 1.5 miles. Turn right onto Varney Mill Road. Look for the second left in 0.6 miles and take this road to the preserve.
Butler's Cove Rd
Bath, ME 04530
GPS: 43.969036, -69.844752